Commissies / Pion Commissie

Diene Van Batenburg
Victor Vreede
Stella Dartée
Melvin Room
Noël Wallaart
Jord Muffels
Reijer Boodt
Pion Commissie
februari 2023
- november 2023
Every year one of the universities in the Netherlands organizes Project Interuniversitaire Olympiade Natuurkunde (PION) and this year the honour is awarded to the NSA. PION is a physics olympiad for bachelor and master students from all over the Netherlands and is well supported by names like Robbert Dijkgraaf and Gerard ‘t Hooft.
Conventionally the two winning teams will win a ticket for the international physics olympiad: Physics League Across Numerous Countries for Kick-ass Students (PLANCKS). It will take place in Milan, Italy. For more info about PLANKS, please visit this link.