
About the NSA


The Natuurwetenschappelijke Studievereniging Amsterdam (NSA) is the study association for physics and astronomy students at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) and for mathematics students at the UvA. The NSA makes your study time easier and more fun. You can get discounts on books and there is an online exam database. There are also study-related activities such as readings and excursions. But it's not all about studying. The NSA regularly organises drinks and movie nights, and also larger activities together with other study associations. There is a béta-party and an international trip every year. The NSA also organises the introduction weekend for our first-year students.

The NSA-room

Room A0.08 at Science Park 904, more famously known as the NSA-room, is the heart of our study association. Here the board leads the association while members can enjoy a beer, cola, or a new episode of their favourite series. Through the window, a conversation is happening with people who were going to cycle home while in the room relaxing music plays, loud enough so you can no longer concentrate on your physics or mathematics work. Everybody is welcome in this oasis on the Science Park campus, we hope to see you soon.

The board

The board of the NSA switches at the start of the second semester during a general assembly. The board makes sure that the association runs smoothly and that committees complete all their tasks. Don't be scared to talk to the board members about study-related topics or something totally different!

Alfie Amundsen
Riemer Kerkstra
Noah Rietveld
Reijer Boodt
Xander de Haan
Thijn Swinkels
Algemeen Bestuurslid