
Solving exams

Solving exams

Earn money with your solutions?

Your solution is worth money. How much? For a fully worked-out exam (as long as it is written in LaTeX; we do not accept handwritten solutions), you will receive:

Tentamen van 2 uur (tussentoets) Tentamen van 3 uur
Eerstejaars tentamen € 30,- € 40,-
Tweedejaars tentamen € 35,- € 45,-
Derdejaars tentamen € 40,- € 50,-
Master tentamen € 45,- € 55,-

Please note the following points:

  • There is a LaTeX template that must be used for solutions. (This is not clear in all browsers, but the word "template" in the previous sentence is a link to the file!)
  • Both the .tex file (and accompanying images) and the .pdf must be submitted, preferably in the same email.
  • The subject, the type of exam (final/interim), and the date the exam was taken (the date of the exam itself) must be included at the top.
  • Your name and email address must be included at the top.
  • The date of the solution must be included at the top.
  • Your solution must be reviewed afterward, so find a fellow student in advance who can do this.
  • You have 4 months to complete the exam unless otherwise agreed.
  • When claiming your payment, the worked-out and approved exam is your receipt. The deadline for reimbursement is the end of the fiscal year: January 31.

Not every subject requires a solution, so always consult the board first by emailing tentamens@nsaweb.nl! The board will then check whether a solution for that exam is still relevant and whether it has not already been reserved.

Het bestuur zal dan kijken of een uitwerking van dit tentamen nog relevant is en of dit tentamen nog niet gereserveerd is.

Most wanted exams

For some subjects, few or no exams have been worked out yet. For working out a "most wanted" exam, you will receive an extra €10.

We are constantly evaluating which subjects are considered "most wanted." At the moment, physics exams are particularly in demand.

If you want to work on an exam from a difficult subject, or a subject with few or no solutions, consult with the board to check whether it qualifies as a "most wanted" exam by sending an email to tentamens@nsaweb.nl!

Most wanted tentamens:
Opleiding Jaar Vak
Natuurkunde 1 -
Wiskunde 1 -