Career / G-Research

Grants for PhD students and postdocs in quantitative fields
Are you a PhD student or postdoc in a quantitative discipline? Do you need support funding something that will assist your research? If so, we can help.
Every month we give away £2,000 in grant money to early career researchers – and are especially interested in applications that are difficult to get funding for elsewhere (e.g. travel if you are caring for children; expenses for volunteer work related to your research).
Applying is easy: just send us an email at grants@gresearch.co.uk with your CV and a brief summary (no more than one page) of what you would use the grant for. You may include a letter of reference if you think it will help your case.
What are you looking for?
Above all, we want to help make high quality, innovative research possible.
How much can I apply for?
We’re giving away a total of £2,000 per month. Apply for what you think you need, up to that limit.
What do we mean by quantitative discipline?
We want to hear from applicants working across the following areas:
- Quantitative Finance
- Mathematics
- Computer Science
- Statistics
- Physics
- Engineering
- Machine Learning
Are there any geographical restrictions?
We currently can provide grants to citizens of any European country.
How will I know if my application is successful?
We shall make our decisions on the last Thursday of every month and write to inform successful applicants immediately. Please reply within a week or we may offer the funds to another applicant.
If my application is successful, how will the payment be made, and when can I expect to receive it?
We will be paying successful applicants directly, so we’ll get in touch with you to request relevant bank details. Once we receive those details, we’ll aim to send across the payment to you within two weeks.
What if my application is not successful?
If we like your application but don’t have enough money to fund it in a particular month, we will roll it automatically into subsequent months until we hit your deadline.
How soon can I apply again?
Each researcher can have up to one active application per month. A researcher who is given a grant cannot apply again for 12 months.
Anything else I should know?
Please acknowledge G-Research’s support in any published work enabled by this grant. We may also ask if we can mention you on our website.
Terms & Conditions
You can see the grant programme’s full terms and conditions here.
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